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Donation for the “Wirbelwind” daycare center

It is with great pleasure that we present the “Wirbelwind” daycare center with a donation of €500!

We raised this sum through our annual blood donation campaign in cooperation with the University Hospital Giessen and Marburg GmbH (UKGM). Our employees received €25 per blood donation, which they could donate in full or in part on a voluntary basis. Thanks to their commitment, € 250 was raised, which our management doubled. This enabled us to donate a total of €500 to the kindergarten.

It is a matter close to our hearts to support our region. The kindergarten will use the money for various excursions and project weeks such as joint baking or their sewing workshop - a great cause that we are happy to support.

We are proud of our employees and their willingness to do good. Together we make the world a little better!