Think across generations
We do not believe that corporate social responsibility is simply a matter of following regulations and legal requirements. Instead, we believe that we have a duty to do more for the sake of our employees. This includes the creation of training positions as well as continuing the education and cooperation with regional universities. Comprehensive employee offerings in the field of occupational retirement provision and health management support our employees both, on and off the job.
For ROVEMA responsible development means working very carefully with available resources and protecting the environment in the process. Our products and systems become economically sustainable by the use of innovative technologies that enable the processing of regrowing, renewable packaging materials. This also includes the reduction of energy consumption and the optimization of packaging volumes. With an optimized design for the transport packaging, the CO2 emissions are reduced on route.
Product quality must be protected especially for perishables and baby foods, durability and safety is our number one priority. Maintaining high quality after production, combined with modern and efficient packaging processes, drastically reduces product losses and saves packaging material resources.
Acting in modern times means taking responsibility for people and the environment.