Bag shape: block bottom bag with fold-over seam
Packaging material: Kraft paper 50 g/m² with laminated PLA film as sealing medium, total 100ym
Supplier: › Masterpack, Italy
Machine: › SBS
The packaging of short cut pasta products with paper requires high tear and puncture resistance and a water vapour barrier. The tested paper packaging material with PLA film as a sealing medium meets these requirements and consists of 100% renewable raw materials. The packaging material is biodegradable, depending on the national regulations.
Optionally, the integration of a viewing window is possible. For this purpose, the kraft paper must be prepared with a punch-out.
With a repeat length of 325 mm and a filling weight of 500 g ROVEMA achieved an output of up to 50 bags per minute in an application test with a block packaging system SBS.